Spring Cleaning for the Body


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A healthy you begins with a healthy environment. It’s time to open the windows and let in the fresh air. Having outside air flowing through the windows can leave the whole house feeling fresh and brand new. 

Keeping allergies out 

However, for those who experience seasonal allergies, this fresh air might trigger seasonal allergy symptoms. This doesn’t mean that the benefits of the great outdoors can’t be enjoyed. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, strategies such as closing the windows at night, turning on the air condition to circulate air, and avoiding mowing the lawn may reduce symptoms. After basking in the warmth of the spring sun, clear out allergens by cleansing your hair and body in a cold shower to remove any particles that may initiation your allergy response.  

Joy (and benefits) of moving 

Don’t let allergies stop you from moving and grooving! Movement can have positive effects on the body and consistency is key. Set goals this spring season that are realistic and achievable, ones you feel confident that you can do on a consistent basis. All movement counts! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of muscle strengthening activity per week. This activity can be simplified by breaking it down into smaller increments. Take a walk with a friend, have a dance party in the kitchen, or take time to do simple stretches. Before exercising outside, be sure to check local pollen and mold counts. When counts are high, exercise outdoors only in short spurts or choose to exercise inside.

Feeding the immune system 

The immune system works hard during allergy season; let the foods you consume lend a helping hand. To create a balanced meal, incorporate at least three of the five food groups and be sure to include a serving of fruits and/or vegetables. The body reacts to allergies by inflaming the mucous membrane of your eyes, nose, and throat to help rid the body of allergens. Therefore, consuming foods that assist in decreasing inflammation in the body may reduce the impact of seasonal allergy symptoms. Foods high in omega-3—fatty fish, nuts and seeds, and certain plant oils—may assist in decreasing inflammation. Create an omega-3 and anti-inflammatory meal by combining spinach salad with walnuts, baked salmon, and a side of berries. Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E help to decrease oxidative stress in the body and can be found in vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. A simple snack of red bell peppers and hummus or a fun breakfast with whole grain toast, avocado, and egg can boost your nutritional intake and potentially help provide some needed relief.

Find relief from seasonal allergies this spring by creating a healthy environment, prioritizing movement, and nourishing your body.



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