Personal Choices, Global Impact

The individual and environmental health implications of following a plant-based diet.



When it comes to our diet and lifestyle, the choices we make don’t just impact our personal well-being, they extend to the health of the environment, too. That’s why it’s important to be conscious consumers, aware of the impact our consumption decisions have on the greater planet.

Adhering to a plant-first lifestyle is one way to make a difference. “Living plant-based is not only good for your health, but it’s good for the planet, too,” says Jordan Rubin, a natural health expert and co-founder of health supplement company Ancient Nutrition. “When you consider the environmental impact of your diet, along with the impact it will have on your overall health, you’re taking better care of the world around you.”

Chew on this: According to research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, a global shift to a plant-based diet could reduce mortality and greenhouse gases caused by food production by 10 percent and 70 percent, respectively, by 2050. Even if you aren’t willing to give up meat completely, reports have shown that substituting just 10 percent of your daily calories from processed meats and beef to whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes can have substantial benefits to your health and the environment.

If that isn’t enough to convince you to make a change, here are some additional personal and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet.


General Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

  • Increase fiber intake, in turn improving your gut health to more efficiently absorb food nutrients that aid your healthy immune system and reduce inflammation. Fiber can also lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar and reduce your risk for colorectal cancer.

  • Cut your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and other ailments by eating more greens and less meat—especially red meat.

  • Lower and maintain your body weight. Just make sure you’re filling up on plant-based proteins, like beans, lentils, tofu and grains.

  • Boost your mood and mental health thanks to the antioxidants and phytochemicals found in plant foods that can repair damage and decrease inflammation in brain cells.

General Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

  • Increase fiber intake, in turn improving your gut health to more efficiently absorb food nutrients that aid your healthy immune system and reduce inflammation. Fiber can also lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar and reduce your risk for colorectal cancer.

  • Cut your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and other ailments by eating more greens and less meat—especially red meat.

  • Lower and maintain your body weight. Just make sure you’re filling up on plant-based proteins, like beans, lentils, tofu and grains.

  • Boost your mood and mental health thanks to the antioxidants and phytochemicals found in plant foods that can repair damage and decrease inflammation in brain cells.


Environmental Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

  • Reduce the 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions that come from food production, three-quarters of which are attributed to animal products.

  • Save water, as meat and dairy products require the most water usage in the agriculture industry.

  • Preserve land that would otherwise be used for food production and consumption.

  • Reduce the amount of energy needed to grow, prepare and transport food, especially in the meat-processing industry.

Environmental Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

  • Reduce the 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions that come from food production, three-quarters of which are attributed to animal products.

  • Save water, as meat and dairy products require the most water usage in the agriculture industry.

  • Preserve land that would otherwise be used for food production and consumption.

  • Reduce the amount of energy needed to grow, prepare and transport food, especially in the meat-processing industry.

Delicious Plant-Based Recipes


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