Kollins Ezekh

Kollins Ezekh – Built By God

Meet Built By God trainer Kollins and try his 30-minute boxing home workout.

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Kollins Ezekh

Kollins Ezekh

Born in Russia and raised in Thailand, Kollins Ezekh has been a leader in the fitness realm for 15+ years. A well-versed, elite fitness guru, Kollins has trained loads of celebrities and was even tapped by Floyd Mayweather to help establish one of America’s fastest-growing gym franchises. With Kollins at the head, they’ve grown from one location to more than a 100 in just under a year. In addition, Kollins recently launched his own online fitness platform, Built By God TV.

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30-minute Boxing Workout with Kollins Ezekh

Workout type:

Kollins’s pre/post-workout nutrition tips:

I have been following a vegan lifestyle for more than five years now, so my food intake might be a little bit different from the everyday American; however, I believe this plan works for anybody.

I work out in the morning, and the only two things I have beforehand are oatmeal with berries about 45 minutes to an hour before the session and black coffee with no sugar right before.

After the workout, it’s very important for me to replace my glycogen stores by feeding my body low- and high-glycemic carbs, with a combination of plant-based protein, usually something like a tofu scramble or avocado toast with a protein shake.

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