When Kendra Bennett of Longmont, Colorado-based Honey Bunchies honey and peanut bars shares the history of how the company launched, her story regularly elicits an “awww” from listeners.
“Honey Bunchies were developed by my dad, who was trying to recreate a snack his mom made for him. He didn’t have a recipe, so he spent three months in the kitchen guessing,” Bennett explains. He never quite got the exact recipe, but he accidentally made Honey Bunchies. And that recipe has stuck.
The real “awww” factor is the company name, which derives from Bennett’s mom, whom her dad called “Honey Bunchie.” “They’ve actually been calling each other that name my entire life,” laughs Bennett, adding that it worked out well that the family product has honey as a main ingredient.
Honey Bunchies is truly a family business, with Mom, Dad, Kendra and her brother as co-founders and employees, plus others too. Even the packaging design is family-based, Bennett shares.
“My dad used a drawing I did of the family when I was 4 years old and turned everyone into bees!” she says.
Look for the sweet and salty gluten-free bars, made with eight simple ingredients, at your local King Soopers. More at honeybunchies.com.