leafy greens

Get Your Greens

Leafy greens are the number one food you can eat regularly to improve your health.

By Rebecca Heaton

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Dark, leafy greens have a plethora of health benefits. So eats your greens every day.

Spinach: mild flavor, cooks quickly

Collard Greens: chewier texture, cabbage-like taste

Kale: earthy flavor, needs thorough cooking

Swiss Chard: beet-like taste, soft texture

Mustard Greens: peppery taste, mustardy smell

Arugula: slightly bitter, peppery flavor, serve raw or sauteed

Bone Health

Leafy greens are loaded with vitamin K. One cup of kale provides a whopping 684 percent of your daily needs. Vitamin K regulates blood clotting, and can also ward off osteoporosis and bone fractures by activating osteocalcin, a protein that helps form bones.


High levels of vitamins A and C in leafy greens keep your immunity strong against bacteria, viruses and toxins.

Cancer Prevention

Studies show that consuming leafy green vegetables can defend against various types of cancers. Carotenoids in greens protect cells from mutations that can ultimately lead to cancer. Chlorophyll, responsible for the green color in plants, has been found in lab studies to pull carcinogenic substances out of the body, reduce inflammation and slow free radical damage.

Heart Health

Researchers have identified a wealth of antioxidants in leafy greens that lower body-wide inflammatory responses. Inflammation is one of the main factors associated with heart disease development. Greens are also host to fiber, which lowers cholesterol and may reduce risk of heart disease.


Vitamin A, plentiful in leafy greens in the form of carotenoids, benefits eyesight by preserving health of the retina, macula and cornea.

Top Vitamins and Minerals in Leafy Greens

Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese, Potassium, Phosphorus, Copper, Magnesium


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