Ask the Chef: What Type of Pan is Best to Cook With and Why?

Ask the Chef: What Type of Pan is Best to Cook With and Why?


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It depends entirely on what you are cooking. Cast iron works great to sear meat or for long cooking times like stews, etc. For a quick sauté of vegetables or sauces, aluminum or stainless steel pans are best. Aluminum pans are my first option because this metal spreads heat more evenly and is more affordable; however, it’s hard to find a good-quality sauté pan specifically for pasta with the right curve of edges.

If you are going with stainless steel—the second-best option—find a thicker pan for more consistent heat and better control with no hot spots, or else the food will stick to the bottom very easily.

Chef Lorenzo Boni


Chef Lorenzo Boni, executive chef for Barilla America, grew up with a passion for Italian food in Bologna, Italy. In his current role, he is responsible for product and recipe development, as well as managing the culinary execution of all Barilla sponsored events.


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